Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

BMI or Body mass index is measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women. Calculating the BMI is one of the best methods for population assessment of overweight and obesity. It is low-cost and easy to use for clinicians and the general public. The only information required to calculate a person's BMI are height, weight, and the BMI formula.
Body Fat Percentage

Body fat is an important element in successful weight control. Body fat requires fewer calories than muscle. So the less fat/more muscle we have, the more calories we can eat before gaining weight. Use our body fat percentage calculator to find out your approximate bodt fat percentage.
Ideal Body Weight Calculator

If you are wondering how much should I weigh, use our Ideal Body Weight Calculator to find our your ideal body weight for your height and built. Just enter your gender (women / men), height and frame size, and the weight calculator will calculate your ideal body weight for height. The body weight is provided in pounds as well as Kilograms.
Weight Loss

This easy weight loss calculator tells you how many calories you need to reduce to acheive your target weight. You have to enter your age, height, current weight, gender, target weight loss and number of days in which you wish to acheive this weight loss. The calculator will tell you your ideal calorie intake and how many calories you need to reduce in your diet to acheive your weight loss target.
Calories Burned

Want to lose weight? Wondering how many calories do you burn with walking or running or cycling or swimming? The calculator will estimate the amount of calories that you burn from running. Just enter your weight and the miles run and press 'Calculate' to know the amount of calories that you have burnt and what our systems thinks about your effort.
Daily Calories Intake Calculator

What is your recommended daily caloric intake according to your activity to maintain, lose or gain weight? Do you want to know the amount of calories burned in any excecise or activity? What is your recommended daily intake of different nutritients to maintain your health? The answers for all these questions and more are present in our online daily calorie intake calculator.
Weight Gain

Do you want to gain weight? Our weight gain calculator will help you to decide the right diet with total number of calories that you need to consume per day to gain healthy weight. This calorie calculator is based on minimum cardiovascular exercise, approximately 3 weight training sessions per week and 20% more calories than normally.
BMI Chart for Women & Men

Calculating the BMI is one of the best methods for population assessment of overweight and obesity. First go to the row with your height in first column, then move to the right towards your weight. Once you have found the cell where your height and weight match, look at the second row (from top) of the BMI chart to find your Body mass index.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best overall index of kidney function. Normal GFR varies according to age, sex, and body size, and declines with age. There are several different techniques used to calculate or estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR or eGFR). The following GFR Calculator is based on these new GFR Calculation techniques.
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Calculation of the pregnancy due date or the expected date of delivery (EDD) of your baby is possible by using this unique pregnancy due date calculator. Just enter the 1st day of your last menstrual period below and you can find the expected date of delivery or your due date.
Ovulation Calendar & Calculator

Ovulation calendars and ovulation calculator are commonly used to identify the most fertile period for conception and plan physical relationships. If your periods are regular, you can use the ovulation calculator below to identify your ovulation time and predict your most fertile period.
Heart Rate

The measurement of heart rate is used by doctors to assist in the diagnosis and tracking of medical conditions. It is also used by individuals, such as athletes. Heart rate measurement for exercise depends upon the level of exercise - light exercise, fat loss, aerobic exercise, anerobic exercise. To determine your target heart rate while exercising, you will need to determine your resting heart rate.
Children's Height

Do you want to know your child's height when he is adult? Try this Children's Adult Height calculator for boys and girls, which predicts the height of your child in the future based on child and parents data. Select the child's gender (boy or girl) and age, to the closest half year. Enter the child's weight and height. Enter the mother's and father's height. Click on Calculate for the estimated adult height.
Kids Growth Chart for Boys & Girls

How well is your infant growing? Parents often wonder if their children are overweight, underweight or just right in height. Use the following calculator to find out your baby's ideal body weight an height range by selecting the appropriate month. This calculator is meant for infants and toddlers below the age 3. For boys and girls between the age 2 to 20, please see the growth charts below the growth calculator.
Blood Donation Time Calculator

If you have recently donated blood, and would like to calculate your next elligible donation date, use this health calculator to find out when you can next donate blood again.